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July 20, 2023

How Cutover runbooks help you meet NIST cyber recovery requirements

Cyber events are increasing and becoming more disruptive and expensive. A 2022 survey of 1,300 business leaders found that 96% had experienced at least one breach or incident in the past year and 33% had experienced a breach-related operational disruption. Regulators and enterprises alike are starting to recognize that, because cyber attacks and outages cannot be entirely avoided, they need to focus on creating strategies to ensure a timely recovery and reduce negative impacts. In light of this, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released new guidelines “to help organizations plan and prepare recovery from a cyber event and integrate the processes and procedures into their enterprise risk management plans.”

The guidelines state, “There has been widespread recognition that some of these cybersecurity (cyber) events cannot be stopped and solely focusing on preventing cyber events from occurring is a flawed approach.” They then go on to offer strategies that organizations can adopt to become more resilient.

Areas of focus in the guidelines include having a tailored cyber recovery plan that fits your specific organization and having sufficient visibility to find gaps and continuously improve. Here’s how Cutover’s automated runbook solution can support you in meeting the NIST guidelines for Cybersecurity Event Recovery:

  1. A tailored, automated cyber recovery plan

Cutover allows you to customize recovery actions to fit your organization's specific requirements, ensuring a personalized and effective response to any cybersecurity event. Using the Cutover platform you can create your recovery plan as an executable runbook to support the effective recovery of your technology services. These executable runbooks seamlessly integrate with a range of third-party solutions and applications, allowing recovery teams to extend the value of the technologies they're already using and providing additional flexibility for faster recovery.

  1. Communications and visibility during a cyber recovery

Using Cutover, you can clearly define an executable recovery communication plan, including information-sharing rules and methods. This ensures actionable information about the status of your recovery from a cyber event is shared in a controlled manner with your teams and relevant organizations promptly and effectively. 

Cutover's automated runbooks also offer live visualization, intuitive dashboards, and advanced analytics that provide visibility and control over your recovery. Stakeholders can track the status of recovery across the organization, identify areas requiring attention, keep teams coordinated, and remove roadblocks.

  1. Cyber recovery improvement and regulatory compliance

Cutover supports your ability to exercise your recovery plan to validate your recovery capabilities, ensuring a continually improving security posture. Post-recovery steps are also crucial for improving cyber event recovery plans, policies, and procedures, and Cutover’s post-recovery analytics make it easy to determine areas for improvement based on objective data. 

By using the insights gained from testing and executing the recovery process, you can enhance your recovery plan, making it more robust and effective for future cybersecurity events. Our clients also state that Cutover’s automated audit trail dramatically reduces the effort required for internal audit and reporting to regulators.

Among Cutover’s customers are some of the most complex enterprises in the world. Our customers have built cyber recovery runbooks to automate and better orchestrate scenarios such as bare metal recoveries in the face of cyberattacks. These runbooks help our customers become more compliant with NIST guidelines.

Find out more about using Cutover for cyber resilience or book a demo to see the platform in action.

Ky Nichol
Cyber recovery
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