Cutover Application Metastore
The Cutover Application Metastore accelerates and improves the accuracy of runbook creation and maintenance for IT operations processes. Aggregate and access up-to-date application data, including configuration management database (CMDB) data, to automate the creation of migration and recovery runbooks across the enterprise

Benefits of the Cutover Application Metastore:

Auto generate application-specific runbooks, at scale
Dynamically generate thousands of tailored runbooks with application-specific data in recovery or migration runbooks, in seconds.
Access application data from the source of truth
Aggregate and access application-specific design and run time data including CMDB data to ensure runbook accuracy.

Ensure consistency with runbook templates
Improve governance and ensure a consistent approach across the entire IT estate: spanning on-premises, cloud, SaaS and hybrid applications.
Automate runbook template maintenance
Runbook templates automatically synchronize with the most up-to-date application-level data to ensure accuracy.