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August 22, 2024

Strengthening cyber recovery

If you’re concerned about your organization being hit by a cyber attack, you’re not alone. Cyber threats such as ransomware attacks come with unique recovery challenges, so increasing your fitness in this area is a must.


Problem:  “Cyber attacks are so complex, I’m not confident I can meet my RTOs.”

Advice: Meeting recovery time objectives (RTOs) hinges on efficient and rapid response. By automating key elements within cyber recovery plans, organizations can significantly improve their chances of meeting critical RTO targets.

Problem:  “How do I create a cyber recovery plan that encompasses every possible scenario?” 

Advice: Identify your critical data and systems because not all data and systems are created equal. You need to determine which important business services must be readily available and create recovery plans for each tier of system. It is important to identify the data and systems that are most critical to your business operations as this will help you to prioritize your recovery efforts.

Problem:  “During a cyber recovery, I’m struggling to view the current status and what’s already been done.”  

Advice: With any recovery scenario, a best practice is to use automated runbooks for your detailed, step-by-step plans. This codifies the tasks and procedures for handling incidents, like cyber attacks, and includes the specific actions for recovery tasks. It also provides one centralized plan with access to real-time updates and automation options.


➡️Report: The IT disaster and cyber recovery trends and insights report 

➡️Blog post: The role of recovery time objectives (RTOs) in cybersecurity

➡️Webinar: Cyber resilience: Enhancing operational stability amid rising ransomware threats 

➡️Blog post: Creating a cyber security disaster recovery plan (DRP): a step-by-step guide

➡️White paper: De-risk cyber recovery with Cutover’s automated runbooks 


🏆 The first step to effective cyber recovery is prioritizing your services and understanding your impact tolerances.

🤖 The right automation tooling can help you accurately measure and meet RTOs.

⏳ Visibility during an attack is key to rapid recovery.

Chloe Lovatt
Cyber recovery
Latest blog posts
Strengthening cyber recovery
One of the biggest threats to businesses today is cyber attacks. Are you confident you can recover quickly?
Aug 22, 2024
Aug 22, 2024
Chloe Lovatt