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March 31, 2022

Why World Backup Day should be every business day

It's time to wake up and defend your data: It’s World Backup Day! 

Sandwiched between April Fool’s Day and World Bass Day (it’s all about those low notes, not the fish), World Backup Day was born as a humble suggestion 11 years ago on a Reddit post.

That suggestion caught fire and now World Backup Day has ballooned into a full-scale global movement with its own website and social media accounts offering free resources to help people back up devices, websites, and small business data. 

For larger organizations, World Backup Day should really be every day – but the event can serve as a sobering reminder that most companies (85%, according to Acronis’s recent global cyber protection survey) still lag behind in best backup practices — and the consequences can be severe.

‘Every error can cost millions’

“Data backups ensure business continuity — they’re no longer negotiable,” says Simeon Klein, General Manager, Cloud, at Cutover. “In cloud migrations, every error can cost millions of dollars. You can be flagged by regulatory authorities, pay fines, and lose credibility with customers. To avoid this, you need the right guardrails in place, ensuring your team is well prepared for an event that can lead to data loss. And that event will happen — what’s crucial is how well you are prepared for it.” 

The best preparations mean a scalable approach and automation that allows your tools and teams to respond immediately, Klein says. 

It also means preparing and testing ahead of time for “a wide range of scenarios and assumptions to prevent data loss,” says Iulia Knight, Cutover General Manager for Operational Resilience

Hope amid huge losses

The risks of data loss have become staggering. World Backup Day organizers predict that more than 60 million computers will fail this year. And the average cost to business from unplanned downtime is $7,900 per minute, according to Acronis

But there are still plenty of companies working hard to keep data safe, Knight says.

“On World Backup Day, we champion the heroes behind the scenes testing executable recovery plans, providing operational visibility of high-risk challenges, all while ensuring regulatory compliance,” Knight says.

Cutover enables organizations to prepare, test and execute all the possible scenarios to prevent data loss. To see how we have your back on backups, contact us, or book a demo.

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Kathy Jones
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