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November 28, 2022

How to turn chaos into structure with automated cloud migration

The recent AWS Marketplace webinar, Turn chaos into structure with automated cloud migration, overviewed the complexity of large migrations and how automation and technology can reduce risk and project delays. The two presenters, Mary McDaniel of AWS and Michele Trogni, CEO of Zinnia, shared lessons learned from many years of experience working in cloud migrations. 

If you missed the webinar, watch it here and read our three key insights from the informative 1-hour event below. 

“The benefits are huge once [you’re] in the cloud compared to [using] a legacy data center, but the way to get there [has historically] been challenging.”

- Michele Trogni, CEO of Zinnia

There’s an old way and a new way to manage automated cloud migrations

Typically, during a large-scale cloud migration, different teams are often only connected through people, processes, and systems, sitting on bridge lines and sending messages via email or, more recently, Slack. People were often the human bandaid, doing the heavy lifting with manual methods to keep everyone informed. There was always the need to manage the migration with one system of information, but it was difficult and caused delayed timelines and cost overruns. This resulted in people losing confidence in the overall project. 

“If you get the data to the cloud the quickest, you get the benefit quickest.”

- Michele Trogni, CEO of Zinnia

The new way of working is about using automation and technology to bring structure to the chaos of cloud migrations. 

Automated cloud migrations create structure and simplification 

Providing structure to your migration teams is critical. Mary explains that standard operating procedures and runbooks provide a foundation and reference point for processes. Basic runbooks outline the operating procedures of a cloud migration with step-by-step instructions but automated runbooks provide much greater value.

Structure also stems from proper planning. Doing the work up-front, during the assess and mobilize phase of an AWS migration, helps you understand complexities and what you want to do. Ultimately, reducing costs and the risk of project delays.  

Automate, automate, automate cloud migrations

Humans aren’t perfect, we all make mistakes and your migration teams are the rule, not the exception. Be prepared, expect people to make mistakes, and plan for failures.
Automation through technology tools eases the burden. By automating repeatable processes you save your teams time, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks. It also helps keep confidence high due to there being fewer human errors and the project can move forward with fewer delays. 

Using automation tools provides the data you need to make informed decisions, meaning that when things go wrong it is easier to determine the cause. As Michele states, “let data do the talking.” Cutover and AWS provide the great level of data you need to understand the progress and status of your cloud migration. During a cloud migration, Cutover can help you: 

  • Pinpoint problems with the reporting of the workflow
  • Understand if the workload is ready to be archived
  • Get visibility into bottlenecks at the task or team level
“[Cutover is] the closest thing that we have to an easy button [for cloud migrations].”

- Mary McDaniel, PMP. Global Application Migration and Modernization Practice Manager, EMEA

Mary’s advice from the webinar is simple: “start small, fail fast, and iterate.” Cloud migrations are a journey and Cutover can support you with automation and insights to get you there faster and with less risk. Watch the on-demand webinar recording here, and contact Cutover to learn about how we can help you simplify, scale, and accelerate your cloud migration.

Kimberly Sack
Collaborative automation
Cloud Migration
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How to turn chaos into structure with automated cloud migration
A recap of the November 17th AWS Marketplace webinar entitled ‘Turn chaos into structure with automated cloud migration.’
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Kimberly Sack